'Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full"

Luke 14:23

Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Year in Review

I realized that my post yesterday was the first in many, many months so I wanted to give a more complete update on what's been happening.

Many businesses operate on a 'fiscal calendar.' In the same way, I believe that there is also a ‘spiritual calendar’ as well.

For me, the spiritual year began on Wednesday, the 21st of September, 2011. It was here that for the first time (after 15 years of being a Christian) I witnessed a true outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

This took place at the Expect Conference in Colorado Springs. I would tell you who the speakers were but it really doesn’t matter - Jesus was there (that’s all that matters) and He poured forth the Promise of the Father. For three days we were at the very gates of heaven.

Even as I am writing this I realized something very interesting. About two years ago the Lord gave me a very clear word when I was walking down the hall of the school where I teach. It was so simple: "Autumn will be your most fruitful season."

It was a wonderful word! I grew up in New England and autumn is breathtakingly beautiful! It is truly a time of Harvest.

Anyway, I realized that autumn began in 2011 on September 23 - the day after the Expect Conference ended! How awesome of God to confirm His word to me with such a clear sign.

Moreover - I turned 40 several days ago and thus autumn has truly begun!

Since that Conference I have seen what I would call 2 general moves of the Holy Spirit at two different 'retreats.' One adult, men's retreat and one college retreat.

I have also seen 1 general move of the Holy Spirit at a local church.

Praise the Lord!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Santa Rosa Street Fair (8-1-12)

Nate and I went to the Santa Rosa Street Market tonight. This is an extremely difficult and glorious venue to preach at. Difficult because we preach to thousands of youth who are convinced we are their enemies. Glorious because Jesus literally loves these kids through us.

Have you ever felt your heart absolutely break as you plead with lost souls to come to Jesus? Have you ever had the supernatural experience of feeling Christ actually pour His love into your heart as they rail, blaspheme and mock everything that is precious and holy to you.

I met the most beautiful young woman tonight whom we will call Jane. She said, "Let me ask you a question. I am a hermaphrodite. I was co-joined with my brother in the womb and we were incompletely separated. He ended up dying and now no matter what I do I am gay and being gay is a sin."

I told her, "You’re physically broken like me and everyone else. You’re sexually broken like me and everyone else. This is why Jesus came and if you come to Him He will walk you through all these heartaches."

She began to get teary. "You know," she said, "my grandma is dead now but she was the most beautiful person I ever knew and she was a devote Christian." I told her, "Your grandma spent countless hours praying for you - that's why I am standing before you tonight. Would you take another look at Jesus?"

She looked at me and said, "I will."

Church; can I be real with you? What happened tonight was 10 billion times better than any foolish softball game. I weep for the church as she amuses herself to death. I pray she would repent of her lukewarmness and enter the fields; for they are white unto harvest.

Yes, the labor is hard, but there and only there you can find the fullness of joy...

The love of Christ pouring out of Nate...

This is 'Outreach'